About Us
Heartland Group, founded in 1987, is headquartered near Des Moines, IA with satellite offices in St. Louis, MO and Kansas City, MO. Heartland Group is a group of manufacturer’s representatives from a diverse background of industry experience including automotive, industrial, national account, manufacturing, and supply chain management. We develop strong distribution for our manufacturers through in field sales calls, hands on trainings, marketing, and troubleshooting. We use the latest technologies to further our relationships and contact to distribution channels but value most our personal face to face relationships.
Heartland Group, Inc. is an organization dedicated to the promotion of quality automotive and industrial equipment and related products to the aftermarket in the central United States. The companies that we represent are the Premier Manufacturers in our industry. They are the best at what they do.
We cover MO, IA, NE, KS and IL.